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Terms of Use

All data, information, text, graphics, links and other material on the are provided as a convenience to our site visitors. and Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities Association do not warrant the accuracy of any data, information, text, graphics or other materials on this site or any other sites linked to or from this site. and Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities Association make no commitment to update or correct any information on this website and accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions in any of the materials on or any materials referred to in this site or linked to this site.

All material on the website is provided “as is” without warranties of any kind, expressed or implied. and Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities Association make no warranty that the information on this site will be applicable to your particular purposes, and under no circumstances will and Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities Association be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from anyone’s reliance on the information or other content posted on this site or from sites linked to this site. and Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities Association make no warranty that the use of this site will be uninterrupted and although and Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities Association maintain the most recent virus protection available on this site and encrypt data as it travels, and Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities Association make no guarantee that this site is free from viruses or hackers will not be able to access your personal information.

By visiting this website, you agree that neither and Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities Association, the website designer, host or Internet service provider is responsible to you, and you hold harmless and Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities Association, website designer, host and Internet service provider from any claim, loss, direct or indirect expense, special or punitive damages of any kind you may incur in connection with the use of this website, even if you have previously advised and Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities Association of the possibility of such claim.