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Get Involved

When the community comes together in remarkable ways, that’s what makes this world so amazing. The mission of the Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities is to improve the community in any way we can, one family at a time.

There are two ways to be involved with the Daisy Mountain Firefighters Charities: you can volunteer or become a sponsor. Sometimes in life you have the opportunity to do both.

It is in the dark depths of need that we come together to join forces and bolster each other up. To bring a smile to a sad face, to bring light to a dark corner, to offer a shoulder to lean on during the hardest of times. Together we make a difference.

If you are blessed with enough time, resources, energy, or dedication to serve your community, we have a place for you on our team.

We never say no to a volunteer or a donation.

Today is the day to get involved.